Order Level Reports

Ordergroove offers Order reports available for export as .csv spreadsheet downloads. Order reports include all line-item details for subscription orders within in a specified timeframe. 


Understanding the structure of the exported report

Each row in an Order report represents a unique subscription order item identifiable by a combination of the "OG Order ID" field and the OG Subscription ID field (see full definitions of fields below). A given subscription receives multiple orders and each order can have multiple items sent out from the different subscriptions. Therefore, each row in the order export reports represents an order item that is placed to be sent to the customer. 

The exported report outputs the records of subscription order items based on the timeframe specified. The timeframe dates reflect the date that the order was placed. 

  • Each row in this export is not a unique order but rather a unique order item as part of a subscription order. 
  • Uniqueness is identified by the combination of two fields: "OG Order ID" and "OG Subscription ID".
  • Templated Order Reports give you access to pre-filtered reports based on status or errors of the orders.
  • An order report often contains multiple orders from the same subscription sent out at different dates.

Pre-built Order Level Reports

Orders - All

The Orders - All report provides a list of all order items that were created, updated or cancelled within the specified time period.

Orders - Successful

This report provides a list of order items where the order was successfully sent and processed.

Orders - All Prepaid

The Orders - All Prepaid report provides a list of all order items in a prepaid subscription that were created, updated, or cancelled within the specified time period. Take a look at Prepaid Reports for more information and prepaid specific fields.

Orders - Processing

This report provides a list of order items where the order is currently being processed.

Orders - Initial Checkout Items - All

A list of all order items that go through initial checkout during the time frame: one-time and subscription.

Orders - Initial Checkout Items - One Time

A list of one-time order items that go through initial checkout during the set time frame.

Orders - Initial Checkout Items - Subscription

A list of subscription order items that go through initial checkout during the set time frame.

Orders - Cancelled

This report provides a list of order items where the subscriber canceled/skipped this order.

Orders - Sent

This report provides a list of order items where the order has been sent to the payment processor.

Orders - Unsent

This report provides a list of order items where the order has not yet reached its specific order place date for processing.

Orders - Rejected

This report provides a list of order items where the order was rejected by the payment processor.

Orders - Send Now

This report provides a list of order items where the subscriber used the Send Now feature to immediately have the order sent for processing ahead of its original place date.

Orders - One Time

This report provides a list of order items where the order item will only be sent once in the order and is not part of a subscription.

Orders - Unknown Placement Response

This report provides a list of order items where the order was sent for processing but came back with an unknown status.

Orders - Pending Batch Response

This report provides a list of order items where the order has been sent for order processing but the system has yet to receive a definitive status back.

Orders - Pending Placement

This report provides a list of order items where the order has passed order processing conditions and is awaiting processing.

Orders - Exception during placement preparation

This report provides a list of order items where an error occurred prior to order processing and will be retried.

Orders - Connection Error during Placement

This report provides a list of order items where the order placement service was unable to be reached by the Ordergroove system. The order will be retried at the next placement time period.

Orders - Response Processing Error

This report provides a list of order items where the response from the order placement service could not be understood by the Ordergroove system. The order will not be retried.

Orders - Generic Error Response

This report provides a list of order items where an order placement error was received; the order will be retried.

Orders - Expired

This report provides a list of order items where an order had a generic error during processing and retried, ultimately reaching the retry time expiration limit.

Orders - Changed Order Date

This report provides a list of all orders where an Order date change event took place - the next order date was altered to another date.

Exporting Future Orders

Reports that show future orders only show the next upcoming order for a subscription, not all orders in a timeframe. If for example your subscription program sends out monthly and you run a report for the next upcoming six months, it will only display one upcoming order - the next one.


Legacy Inventory In-Stock Orders 

This report provides a list of in stock order items and their associated product information and quantity. In light of upcoming export improvements, this report will soon be decommissioned in favor of a more detailed look at in-stock orders. Read more about this report here

Legacy Inventory Out of Stock Orders

This report provides a list of out of stock order items and their associated product information and quantity. In light of upcoming export improvements, this report will soon be decommissioned in favor of a more detailed look at out of stock orders. Read more about this report here

Data field definitions

The following fields are found in every Order report export: 

  • Merchant: Your company’s name.
  • OG User ID: The subscriber ID in the Ordergroove system.
  • Merchant User ID: Subscriber ID in both your system and the Ordergroove system (for use when searching for subscribers in the Customers section of Ordergroove)
  • Place Date: The date when Order is/was set to be processed. 
  • OG Order ID: ID of the order in Ordergroove’s system.
  • OG Subscription ID: Subscription ID for the order item.
  • Email Address: Subscriber’s email address.
  • First name: Subscriber’s first name.
  • Last Name: Subscriber’s last name
  • Product: Order item product name.
  • External Product ID: Product ID in your system.
  • SKU: SKU for order item product.
  • Quantity: The unit count of order item product.
  • Price: The unit price of an order item product.
  • Order Subtotal: The total value of all items in the order (does not include shipping or tax).
  • Order Status: Order’s current placement status.
  • Merchant Order ID: Order ID in your system (will only populate if the order is successfully processed).
  • Rejected Error Code: Ordergroove code for the rejected error message.
  • Rejected Error Message: Order rejection reason associated with the rejected error code sent from your e-commerce platform. You can map error responses as outlined within your Integration Guide in order to help troubleshoot issues and display them within reports.
  • Instant Upsell: Indicates whether or not an order item was a one time purchase as a result of Ordergroove's Instant Upsell functionality. 
  • Public Subscription ID: ID of the subscription in Ordergroove’s system. One Subscription may have multiple orders.
  • Public Order ID: ID of the order in Ordergroove’s system.
  • Merchant Store ID: Unique store identifier in Ordergroove’s system.
  • Update Date*: The date the subscriber modified their upcoming subscription order
  • Update Time*: The time the subscriber modified their upcoming subscription order
    • *Update Date and Time are a timestamp, that trigger when your customer makes one of the following changes to an upcoming order:
      • Frequency
      • Quantity
      • Product
      • Payment Method
      • Shipping Address
      • Cancellations
  • Currency Code: The order's 3 character ISO currency code; ex: USD, GBP, MXN.

Additional Fields

The following fields are set up on a case-by-case basis, usually used for importing data.

  • Extra Data: A catch-all JSON field that includes all report data, converted to a string.
  • Extra Data - Reporting: The raw JSON data used for Extra Data.
  • Components: Additional information for subscriptions with multiple products.

Initial Checkout Fields

The following fields are used for Initial Checkout - All, One Time, and Subscription reports. 

  • Sales Channel: The sales channel the customer followed through to checkout.
  • Public Purchase Post ID: The unique ID of the purchase. If two identical purchases have the same product(s), they will still have different Public Purchase Post IDs.
  • Subscribed: A yes/no field if the purchased item was a subscription.