Subscription Level Reports

Ordergroove has a number of reports available for you to view and export data. The Subscription Reports are used to export a list of customers and their subscription details. In this article, we'll go over where you access the reports, what types of reports are available, and what data is included in the report.


Accessing the Subscription Reports

The set of Subscription reports available for export through the product produce .csv downloadable files with line-item details for a subscription within in a specified timeframe. 

  • Each row is a unique subscription identified by the "Subscription ID" field. 
  • Templated Reports give you access to pre-filtered reports to export. 
  • Subscriptions might have multiple statuses in a specified period are distinguishable by report contents.

Understanding the structure of the exported report

Each row in a Subscription report represents a unique subscription identifiable by the "Subscription ID" field (See full definitions of fields below). The subscription in a given row might be a subscription that is newly created, a subscription that has been cancelled, or a subscription that has been updated within the timeframe specified.

Some subscriptions might have had multiple status changes within the specified timeframe. For example, a subscription might have been created and updated within a period, or updated and subsequently cancelled within that time period or perhaps even all three: created, updated and cancelled.


Templated reports represent the various states:

Subscriptions - All

The Subscriptions - All report contains all subscriptions that were created, updated or cancelled within the specified time period.

Subscriptions - Created

The Subscriptions - Created report contains only subscriptions that were created within the specified time period.

Subscriptions - Created and Updated

The Subscriptions - Created and Updated report contains subscriptions that were either created or updated or both within the specified time period.

Subscriptions - Prepaid

The Subscriptions - Prepaid report contains prepaid subscriptions that were created, updated or cancelled within the specified time period.

Subscriptions - Cancelled

The Subscriptions - Cancelled report contains only subscriptions that were cancelled within the specified time period.

Subscriptions - Reactivated

The Subscriptions - Reactivated report contains a list of subscriptions that were reactivated within the specified time period. Reactivation is defined as a subscription that had a creation event, a cancellation event, and subsequently a second creation event.

Subscriptions - SKU Swap

The Subscriptions - SKU report provides a list of all subscriptions where a SKU Swap event took place - the SKU of a subscription was changed.


Prepaid Reports

We also offer three prepaid subscription specific reports. For more information and prepaid specific fields take a look at Prepaid Reports.

Subscriptions - Active - Prepaid

Each row in a Subscription report represents a unique, active prepaid subscription; one customer can have multiple subscriptions.

Subscriptions - Created - Prepaid

Each row represents one prepaid subscription. This lists all prepaid subscriptions regardless of status, including cancelled.

Subscriptions - Cancelled - Prepaid

Each row represents a prepaid subscription that has been cancelled. Note that cancelled prepaid subscriptions can still have additional orders to go out, and may still show up on Orders - All Prepaid.

Understanding the contents of the exported report

Templated reports are pre-filtered to represent subscription statuses. One can choose to separately output subsets of subscriptions based on the report. For those reports that contains multiple status, eg: Subscriptions - Created and Updated, specific columns distinguish between statuses.

  • A new subscription is identifiable by looking at the "Create Date" and "Create Time" fields as well as the "Update Date" and "Update Time" fields. These will be the same.
  • An updated subscription is identifiable because the "Update Date" will be different from the "Create Date"
  • A cancelled subscriptions is identifiable by the "Status" field, which will be marked as "Inactive" as well as the "Cancel Date" field which will mark the date that the cancellation took effect.

Data field definitions

The Subscription CSV report itself presents a row for each new subscription created, along with numerous data points for each. 

  • Merchant: Your company’s name.
  • User ID: Subscriber ID in the Ordergroove system.
  • Merchant User ID: Subscriber ID in both your system and the Ordergroove system (for use when searching for subscribers in the Customers section of Ordergroove)
  • Create Date: Date of subscription creation.
  • Create Time: Subscription creation timestamp.
  • Start Date: If the subscription was imported from another system, it will display the original subscription creation date in that system. Otherwise, it will match the date of subscription creation in the current(Ordergroove) system.
  • Customer Status: Denotes if the customer is or has been an existing customer (Existing) in your system (one time or subscription customer) or if the customer is a new customer (New). Please note, an existing customer is not necessarily an existing subscriber.  
  • Subscription ID: Unique ID for the subscription in your program.
  • Offer ID: The specific offer that the subscription was created through.  This will tie to the location/offer presented at the time of opt-in(Product Page, Shopping Cart, etc.).  Contact Support for more details.
  • Merchant Order ID: Order ID in your system under which the initial subscription order was placed.
  • Guest Checkout: Whether or not the customer completed checkout as a guest.  Since Ordergroove does not support subscription checkouts for guests, this would only apply to subscriptions from other systems.
  • Email Address: Subscriber’s email.
  • First Name: Subscriber’s first name.
  • Last Name: Subscriber’s last name.
  • Product: Name of the product subscribed to.
  • Product ID: ID in the Ordergroove system for the subscription product.
  • SKU: ID in your system for the subscription product.
  • Frequency: Customer-selected number of days between recurring orders of the subscription product.
  • Reminder: Number of days before shipment that subscription notification will be sent.
  • Status: Denotes if the subscription is still live (active) or has been canceled (inactive).
  • Quantity: Number of product units that will be ordered for the subscription.
  • Price: Unit price of the subscription product.
  • Discount Price: Unit price of the subscription product before all incentive discounts have been applied.
  • 24 Hour Cancel: Denotes if the subscription was canceled within 24 hours of creation. 
    • Y = Yes
    • N = No
  • Cancel Date: If the Status is Inactive, this field will show the date the Subscription was canceled.
  • Cancel Reason: Specified reason for subscription cancellation.  This list displays at the time of cancellation within the Subscription Manager and CSA; to view the full list of cancel reason codes click here.
  • Orders Placed: Number of orders placed over the life of the subscription (includes successful and failed orders)
  • Last Order Date: Most recent date of a recurring order (successful or failed).
  • Update Date: Last Date of subscription update.
  • Update Time: Last Time of subscription update.
  • Next Order Date: The next date a subscription order will be placed.
  • Merchant Store ID: Unique store identifier in Ordergroove’s system.
  • Public Subscription ID: ID of the subscription in Ordergroove’s system. One Subscription may have multiple orders.
  • Address: Billing address tied to the subscription.
  • Address2: Secondary address tied to the subscription.
  • Address City: Billing city tied to the subscription.
  • Address State: Billing state tied to the subscription.
  • Address Zip Code: Billing zip code tied to the subscription.
  • Currency Code: The subscrition's 3 character ISO currency code; ex: USD, GBP, MXN.

Some data points will be altered over time as the subscriber makes changes or leaves the program and are labeled as Dynamic Fields: 

  • Product, Product ID, SKU, Price, and Discount Price: Change when the subscriber switches their current subscription to a different product.
  • Frequency: Update as the subscriber increases or decreases the ordering frequency.
  • Status: Update if an active subscription is canceled, or if a canceled subscription is reactivated.
  • Quantity: Updates if the amount of subscription order units changes.
  • Cancel Date, Cancel Reason: Become blank if the subscription is reactivated.
  • Orders Placed, Last Order Date: Update as the subscription accumulates successful orders.
  • Reactivation Date: Date and time of subscription reactivation after a previous cancellation.
  • Last Successful Order Date: Most recent date of a successful recurring order.
  • Orders Placed Successful: The total number of recurring orders placed successfully over the life of the subscription.
  • Orders placed failed: The total number of orders that failed placement over the life of the subscription.

Additional Fields

The following fields are set up on a case-by-case basis, usually used for importing data.

  • Extra Data: A catch-all JSON field that includes all report data, converted to a string.
  • Extra Data - Reporting: The raw JSON data used for Extra Data
  • Components: Additional information for subscriptions with multiple products


Would a customer appear as existing or new in the customer status column if they previously had a subscription, cancelled that subscription and signed up for a new subscription?

In the customer status field, the customer will be considered an existing customer. This is because they previously had a subscription despite it being cancelled. The customer will be marked as an existing customer whether or not the new subscription is on the same item as the subscription cancelled. 


I get confused about where to look for details on cancelled subscriptions, is that in the subscription report or the subscription cancelled report? 

Great question, let's clarify this. The subscription cancelled report contains a row for each subscription cancelled between the chosen dates. The subscription report outputs a row for each new subscription within the chosen date period but also provides a live snapshot on the status of the subscription for the day on which you output the data. This can help you understand if new subscriptions are cancelled as of the current moment.

A quick example: Today is Feb 15. You have chosen dates for the month of Jan (Jan 1 - Jan 31). The subscription report outputs any new subscription created between Jan 1 - 31. The cancel column will provide cancellation dates from Jan 1 - Feb 15 (reflecting the most dynamic up to date status). The subscription cancelled report outputs subscriptions with cancelled dates from Jan 1 - 31. These subscriptions might have been created prior to Jan 1. 


What is the difference between the create date and the start date fields?

If you have had a subscription program prior to Ordergroove, the start date will reflect the date that the subscription was created from the prior subscription program. If this your first time with a subscription program, these fields will be identical.


How can I see the number of subscribers that are subscribed to a multiple products?

This information can be calculated with the use of the Subscription report. Download the .csv file for the specified dates. Filter the file to contain only the products that you want to be included. Then create a pivot table, in Excel or elsewhere, where each row is a subscriber email address and each column is the product field. The pivot table can sum on the count of products per subscriber. 


When looking at the reactivation report, how can I find when the subscription was cancelled? 

Because the subscription row in the reactivation report is based on a dynamic database record, when a subscription gets reactivated, the former cancel date is removed. If you want to find the previous date on which that subscription was cancelled, you can output a Subscriptions - cancelled report prior to the reactivation and track when the subscription was cancelled.