Prepaid Order Data & Tagging in Shopify

Ordergroove includes specialized order data when Prepaid Subscriptions are sent for placement. This guide goes over the prepaid properties and order tagging you'll find in Shopify after orders are sent over. 


Overview Table

This table covers the properties and order tags available for merchants to report on prepaid orders. Take a look in the following section for detailed screenshots on how Shopify order will look like.

Prepaid line item properties

Property Description
_ordergroove.subscription.prepaidOrdersPerBilling Number of prepaid orders in the cycle
_ordergroove.subscription.prepaidOrdersRemaining Number of prepaid orders remaining in the cycle after the current item is placed
_ordergroove.subscription.prepaidRenewalBehavior Represents what action will occur when the customer has received their last free shipment.
_ordergroove.subscription.prepaidLastRenewalRevenue The total amount prepaid for all terms. This is the value captured for the item in the checkout or in the renewal order
_ordergroove.subscription.prepaidOriginOrder* Links to the order that captured the prepaid funds
Prepaid Origin Order

DEPRECATED - Use _ordergroove.subscription.prepaidOriginOrder

Prepaid Orders Remaining DEPRECATED - Use _ordergroove.subscription.prepaidOrdersRemaining instead

Take a look at the prepaid subscription object reference in our Dev Docs for more information about prepaid data.


Prepaid Tags

Tag Description
Ordergroove Trigger Order Added to the checkout order that originated the subscription
Ordergroove Subscription Order Added to all ordergroove recurring order
Ordergroove Prepaid Order Added to all prepaid checkout or renewal order
Prepaid Fulfillment Order Added to all prepaid fulfillment orders that were already paid for and are sent for free


Properties per order

Type of order What order means in the prepaid cycle Prepaid line item properties
Checkout Order Shopify Checkout Order that generated Ordergroove subscription None
Fulfillment Order Recurring free prepaid order that was already paid for
  • _ordergroove.subscription.prepaidOrdersPerBilling
  • _ordergroove.subscription.prepaidOrdersRemaining
  • _ordergroove.subscription.prepaidRenewalBehavior
  • _ordergroove.subscription.prepaidLastRenewalRevenue
  • _ordergroove.subscription.prepaidOriginOrder
  • DEPRECATED - Prepaid Origin Order
  • DEPRECATED - Prepaid Orders Remaining 
Renewal Order Recurring renewal order that will charge for all prepaid terms
  • _ordergroove.subscription.prepaidOrdersPerBilling
  • _ordergroove.subscription.prepaidOrdersRemaining
  • _ordergroove.subscription.prepaidRenewalBehavior
  • DEPRECATED - Prepaid Orders Remaining


Tags per order

Type of order What order means in the prepaid cycle Prepaid order tags
Checkout Order Shopify Checkout Order that generated Ordergroove subscription
  • Ordergroove Prepaid Order
  • Ordergroove Trigger Order
Fulfillment Order Recurring free prepaid order that was already paid for
  • Ordergroove Subscription Order
  • Prepaid Fulfilllment Order
Renewal Order Recurring renewal order that will charge for all prepaid terms
  • Ordergroove Subscription Order
  • Ordergroove Prepaid Order

Additional Line Item Properties

You can choose to display additional line item properties. These are activated in Ordergroove under Shopify Settings. Take a look at Shopify Integration Settings Page for all of the properties added to the order line items. The additional properties will provide more information about the subscription in every recurring order. Note: Additional line item properties are not added to the initial checkout order.

Prepaid Shopify Order Examples

Checkout prepaid order




Fulfillment prepaid order



Renewal prepaid order




  • Migrated prepaid subscriptions will not have the the _ordergroove.subscription.prepaidOriginOrder
  • Prepaid subscriptions created prior to 08/12/2024 will not have the _ordergroove.subscription.prepaidOriginOrder