Once your Attentive integration is connected, you can use subscription data to set up customer segments and build out new flows with SMS and email actions. In this overview, we'll discuss a few recommended flows, organized by their benefit. For a complete list of events and customer properties sent over to Attentive, take a look at the Information sent to Attentive.
Encourage new subscriptions
With the Ordergroove Subscriber Status, you can segment customers who have made one-time purchases but haven't subscribed. It's the perfect opportunity to encourage them with subscription savings.
- Open up Attentive and click on Segments in the side navigation bar
- Create a Historic Ordergroove Active Subscribers segment if you haven't done so already.
- Click Create Segment on the top right and then select Dynamic Segment
- You'll want this segment to have three conditions when you are first starting:
- Condition 1: Select A subscriber's activity then set the statement to read "Has made a purchase at least once in the last X days", then select AND
- Condition 2: Select A subscriber's characteristics then set the statement to read "ordergroove_subscriber_status is not active"
- Condition 3: Using the OR button to the right of condition 2, select member of a non-dynamic segment and have the statement read "Subscriber is not in Historic Ordergroove Active Subscribers"
- Select Create in the bottom right corner with a name like Inactive Ordergroove Subscribers with a recent purchase, or something similar, and click Save.
- Now that we have our segment, we can start the journey by clicking on Journeys on the left navigation bar.
- Select Create Journey on the top right, then Start from Scratch.
- Find the Joined a Segment trigger and hit the Get Started button.
- Build the flow you want. We recommend keeping it about the benefits of a subscription with a link to the product they bought.
Remind customers of upcoming orders
Using Ordergroove’s Order Reminder event, you can fight churn before it happens and extend customer lifetime value (CLTV.)
Sending a personalized reminder about an upcoming order allows your users to make any changes necessary and reduces post-order support requests.
- Open up Attentive and click on Journeys in the side navigation bar
- Click Create Journey on the top right, and Start from Scratch
- Find the ordergroove.order.reminder custom event and hit continue
- Select the notify subscribers about a transaction option
- From here you can build out the emails and SMS text messages you would like to send customers automatically.
Prevent rejected orders
Using Ordergroove's Order Credit Card Expiration Warning event, you can ask your users to update their billing information so they continue to get orders.
There are a variety of factors that could cause issues placing an order as subscriptions mature, but they mainly involve stored credit card information going stale or cards expiring. Some merchants have seen ~25% of daily orders encountering credit card problems. By building this flow, you can engage those customers to update their credit cards before it becomes a problem.
- Open up Attentive and click on Journeys in the side navigation bar
- Click Create Journey on the top right, and Start from Scratch
- Find the ordergroove.order.credit_card_expiration_warning custom event and hit continue
- Select the notify subscribers about a transaction option
- From here you can build out the emails and SMS text messages you would like to send customers automatically.