Enabling Prepaid Subscriptions from start to finish

Setting up prepaid subscriptions on Ordergroove is a snap. In this guide we'll go through the high-level steps required to get started, click the link under each step for a full step-by-step guide.  


What are prepaid subscriptions?

Prepaid subscriptions are a type of subscription where a customer pays once upfront, then receives multiple shipments over time. In exchange for locking in, subscribers are usually offered a steeper discount compared to subscribing monthly or weekly.

Customers benefit from the steeper discount, and store owners benefit from the consistent income. Revenue is locked in up front, and depending on the length of the prepaid subscription, could help boost lifetime value (LTV) and drop the cost of customer acquisition (CAC.)

You can set any frequency for prepaid subscriptions, but for maximum benefit, we recommend offering at a minimum 6-month timeframes; in general, the longer the better. It's true you may have one or two less customers, but the overall benefits are worth it. During beta, a subscriber's LTV on a 3-month frequency only saw a 30% bump while subscribers on a 6-month had their LTV double, or increase 100%.

Step 1: Add Prepaid code to your PDP

The first step is to add our prepaid code to your product details page (PDP.) This will enable your enrollment widget to display prepaid options, which we'll be adding in the coming steps.

Step 2: Choose the Number of Shipments and Frequency

With the code added, it's time to set the prepaid subscription's terms - the number of shipments and frequency.

Step 3: Set the Prepaid Discount

A big benefit for customers is the steeper discount they get when they choose prepaid subscriptions. Next up, let's set the prepaid discount you want to offer.

Step 4: Choose One Product to Test and Go Live With

Everything in your storefront should be set up and good to go, let's choose one product we'll use in a later step to test and go live with.

Step 5: Add Prepaid Code to the Subscription Manager

Once you've confirmed that everything looks good on your storefront, it's time to set up the Subscription Manager. Customers can checkout, but they need the ability to manage their subscriptions afterward as well.

Step 6: Test the Prepaid Checkout Process

Everything is ready, and it's time for the fun part - test the prepaid checkout process.

Step 7: Add the Rest of Your Products

With your test complete, you're all set - prepaid subscriptions are now live in your store. If there are any other products you want to offer on prepaid subscriptions, add the rest now.

Optional: Update Your Email Templates

Prepaid Subscriptions come with a few extra fields like orders_remaining and orders_per_billing that aren't included in your default email templates. Take a look at How To Style and Edit Your Emails for updated fields to add to your emails. 

Need Help?

The prepaid team is here for you during this setup process! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to support@ordergroove.com if you are experiencing any issues.