Understanding the Products Analytics Tab

The Products drill down in your Analytics Overview dives into an overview of active subscriptions. You can view total active subscriptions, subscriptions by status, and a daily breakdown.



1 - Best performing product

The best performing product has the highest number of active subscriptions within the selected time period. 

2 - Most cancelled product 

The most cancelled product has the greatest number of cancellations within the selected time period. 

3 - Products by new subscriptions chart

The products by new subscriptions chart breaks down the top three products that have had the most subscriptions created during the selected time period.

The bar chart is helpful to see your most popular products, but you can also get value out of products that are not popular enough to reach top three.

4 - Subscription metrics

The subscription metrics table lists all subscriptions created during the time frame. For every subscription, it lists:

  • Subscription created date
  • Product name
  • Product id
  • Customer name: Redacted except for first and last initial
  • Customer email: Redacted except for the first letter
  • Subscription quantity

You can download the list as-is or with the complete Customer name and Customer email. The downloaded CSV spreadsheet can be sorted by customer, or grouped by product to get a sum of units sold.

Downloading Private Information

The Subscription Metrics table contains Personally Identifiable Information (PII.) Downloading the complete Customer name and Customer email will require 2-factor authentication; we will send you an email with a unique URL. Take a look at On-Demand Data Exports Overview for more information.

5 - Product metrics 

The Product metrics table displays all products that have at least one active subscription over the time frame. For each product, we display a breakdown of:

  • Product id
  • Product name
  • Active subscriptions: Total number of active subscriptions in the time frame
  • Active subscribers: Total number of active subscribers. One subscriber might be counted twice, or more, if they subscribe to multiple products.
  • Average successful recurring orders per subscription: The average number of successful recurring orders a subscriber receives before they cancel their subscription.
  • Most common frequency
  • Total recurring order revenue