Configuring your Promotions

Promotions are the most frequently used promotions to incentivize your customers. Promotions include Subscription Discounts, Free Shipping & With Threshold, and Best Deal Guarantee.
To learn more about each of these promotions, click here
Promotions can be configured by merchants and their technology partners directly within Ordergroove.

When choosing a promotion for your program, there are many things to consider. To help you guide you take a look at our choosing the right promotion article.

Configuring Subscription Discounts

Subscription Discounts are promotions you offer on every recurring subscription order once a customer has subscribed. It’s an easy way to entice customers to subscribe (and stay subscribed) -- and you’ll only need to set the percentage or dollar amount to take off. Note that discounts are applied to the product price and not to shipping or tax.

  • Selecting a % Off Discount
    To apply a % Off Discount, enter the percentage discount you would like to apply to recurring subscription orders. In the example below, a 20% discount will be applied to the product price for the customer’s recurring subscription orders. You may delete subscription discounts as needed by clicking the trash icon to the right of the fields.


  • Selecting a $ Off Discount
    To apply a $ Off Discount, enter the dollar amount you would like to discount on recurring subscription orders. In the example below, a $10 discount will be applied to the product price for the customer’s recurring subscription orders. You may delete subscription discounts as needed by clicking the Delete icon to the right of the fields.


Configuring Free Shipping & With Threshold

Free Shipping control allows you to offer free shipping on recurring subscription orders, whether applied across all orders or only those orders that meet a minimum amount. Flat Rate Shipping Charge gives you the ability to set a universal shipping price for all orders or certain orders that exceed a set threshold.

Note: If your store is on Shopify, take a look at Shopify Shipping and Delivery for instructions on setting up initial and recurring shipping.
  • Enabling Free Shipping
    To enable free shipping, toggle the Free Shipping selector to ON. If you choose to set a threshold for free shipping, enter the total dollar amount required.
    The "Honor free shipping on replacement order if a product is out of stock" tool ensures customers who have a subscription value that exceeds the given threshold still enjoy the free shipping if one or more of their products goes out of stock, but the actual charge falls below the threshold.


  • Enabling Flat Rate Shipping
    To enable flat rate shipping, toggle the Flat Rate Shipping Charge selector to ON. If you choose to set a threshold for flat rate shipping, enter the total dollar amount required.
    This action will make the Flat rate amount dialog box available, which you can use to define the dollar amount a customer must reach to qualify for the flat rate shipping promotion.


Configuring Best Deal Guarantee

Best Deal Guarantee lets you ensure that your subscribers always receive the best price you have to offer, thereby driving loyalty and boosting retention. Ordergroove tracks each product's price per day, and when it's time for a subscription shipment, we use the lowest price found in the specified lookback period.

  • Defining the Best Deal Guarantee Look Back Window
    To define the number of days, you would like Ordergroove to look back for the lowest price, specify that number in the lookback window text field.
    To demonstrate: If the lookback period was 30 days and the price of this product over that period was $20, $15, and $25, Ordergroove would place the order at the $15 price point.


    NOTE: Best Deal Pricing is how Ordergroove will determine what base price to use for that subscription item. If you offer any other subscription incentives, those will be calculated in addition to the best price.

Further Reading