Checkout and Payment

The following overview should help you understand how Ordergroove works with checkout and payment flows. With this information, you can make the important decisions that help your store succeed in its journey into relationship commerce with Ordergroove.



With Ordergroove, customers who opt into new subscriptions will check out using your existing checkout flow. Additionally, Ordergroove supports both subscription and non-subscription items being processed using a single checkout cart.

Payment Methods

Ordergroove supports Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover as payment methods.

Credit Card Retries

Ordergroove will retry all payment requests that return a 140 error response two additional times.
The first retry will take place three days after the initial attempt, and the last retry will take place three days after the first retry attempt. The customer will receive an email trigger to update their payment method between attempts, pending setup in Ordergroove.
You will need to ensure the 140 response is correctly mapped for your order placement endpoint. If all retries fail or the customer clicks "send now" on the next subsequent order for the same item(s), then the original order is marked as rejected. 

If you do not want an order to be retried with this flow, you will need to use the 160 error response, which indicates no retries should be attempted.

Note: Ordergroove will not cancel a customer's subscription after repeated rejections.


Credit Card Refresh

Ordergroove works with a consulting firm that specifically deals with 'credit card not present' transactions. As an industry best practice, they recommended pushing the credit card expiration date into the future because that is the same action the credit card companies take. It is likely that the customer has renewed their card but did not remember to update this on their account.

When Ordergroove stores a credit card expiration date associated with a subscription order, the order placement process will evaluate that expiration date and determine how to proceed with the order depending on what refresh configurations are set.

  • Refresh Credit Credit Card Expiration Setting Off
    When the Refresh Credit Card Expiration setting is off, Ordergroove will prevent that order from being sent to the merchant. The order will go into a rejected status with the error message that the “Credit Card Expiration date is in the past.”
    Once rejected, the customer will receive an email notifying them that their order could not be placed due to an expired card. Instructions for how to update the card are typically included in this email.
  • Refresh Credit Credit Card Expiration Setting On
    When the Refresh Credit Card Expiration setting is on, Ordergroove will automatically extend the date by three years and attempt to place the order to the merchant.
    • If the order is returned to Ordergroove as a success, the expiration date will be permanently updated within Ordergroove’s database to the new extended date. Ordergroove does not notify the merchant of this update, and it is assumed that the merchant will also update the expiration date in their system as a result of the success.
    • If the order is returned to Ordergroove and rejected, Ordergroove will not update the expiration date within the database. Once rejected, the customer will receive an email notifying them that their order could not be placed due to an expired card. Instructions for how to update the card are typically included in this email.

Client Payment Vaulting

You can tokenize the customer's payment information after checkout. You will need to expose a place within My Account for the customer to update the card being used for their recurring orders.