There are a few touchpoints you can troubleshoot if your Shopify installation isn't working as expected. This guide will go through all of the most common pain points and what to look out for.
App Configuration
When configuring your App, ensure that you have added the appropriate hash key, Merchant ID, and SFTP credentials without any spaces. If you are having with the purchasePOST failing, products not syncing correctly to OG, or javascript errors, one of those credentials is likely incorrect.
Snippets within the Ordergroove Shopify Integration Guide are important to allow front-end Ordergroove content to display. If you have published your theme and do not see the offers you have set up in Ordergroove render, check your .liquid themes to ensure that the snippets are placed in the correct files.
Note: Ordergroove’s Integration Guide recommends which theme files to add your snippets to, but you may have custom-built files. For instance, we recommend adding a snippet to your snippets/cart-items.liquid to display Cart offers. If you have a custom theme with a Slide-out cart, you may need to add our snippet to a different theme file to display the appropriate offer.
Page Tagging
- Do you see a different offer than the one created in your Ordergroove Admin or a JS error in your console? Check the published javascript tags and, if any, javascript, which reflects ‘staging,’ was published incorrectly. Make sure the App is not in ‘Test Mode.’
The Ordergroove Shopify App accounts for unique builds, which may require all work to be done in staging. In most integrations, the entire build will take place in your Sandbox but leverage all Ordergroove production endpoints. This means the App would not be in ‘Test Mode,’ and you will install production Ordergroove code within your Sandbox, sending a production Product Feed to OG, and configuring the entire program in the Production Ordergroove portal. If you are unsure of the method you should be leveraging, contact your Ordergroove Solutions Partner.
- Republishing a theme and not seeing any changes? You will need to generate a new theme key before clicking “Automatically Install Code.”
- Setting a Product ID in the Ordergroove offer DIV and setting the correct location, but offers aren’t appearing? Download the Product Configs CSV from Ordergroove, make sure you are setting the same product ID format as being sent to Ordergroove, and that product is marked as ‘TRUE’ in the Subscription Eligible column.
Note: After publishing your theme, if you do not see the correct offers appear, check to ensure you have defined the same offer location for each OG offer tagging in your themes, which correspond back to the offer you have created in Ordergroove.
Custom Themes
Shopify has many themes, and while the Shopify App automates front-end tagging, conflicts may occur between codebases.
If you:
- Added snippets.
- Clicked ‘Automatically Install Code.’
- See Ordergroove front-end page tagging.
- Created locations in the og-offer DIV.
- Setup placeholder offers and saved them in your Ordergroove Admin.
And you are seeing an Ordergroove-specific error in the console or if offers or the Subscription Manager aren’t rendering, try adding Ordergroove’s snippets to the page headers of your liquid themes.
Ordergroove front-end code will sit on top of your custom theme. The javascript anticipates being the first layer of injected code when the App installs the tagging. As such, other code that loads prior may cause conflicts.
- Not seeing your Subscription Manager? Check to see if the auth cookie is generating.
- Not seeing an Auth Cookie generate? Check all snippets are added as outlined within the Integration.
- Seeing an error between your custom Shopify script and Ordergroove main.js? You may be on an older version of the App codebase. Try generating a new ‘Theme Key’ and reinstalling the Ordergroove theme via your Shopify App.
- Using and not seeing the 'Payment Update' iframe appear below the Subscription Manager? Check the correct snippets are in place per the integration. Customization to snippets will impact the rendering of Ordergroove-hosted content
Note: Check if your Ordergroove hash key is generating within ordergroove_global.liquid. It will be visible in the theme page code.
Ordergroove recommends the use of a Sandbox where development occurs before a production push.
- Your Sandbox product IDs may be different than production product IDs, and the product IDs you are setting in the Ordergroove offer div may be incorrect.
- You will point Ordergroove production URLs into your Sandbox, and the front-end formatting you see in staging will display in production post-cutover
- Your Sandbox may not be wired for a full end-to-end checkout, but it is encouraged to enable, allowing for end-to-end testing before the production cutover.
Payment Gateways
Production vs. Staging
When building your integration, it is important to note the App will be in production mode, and you will leverage Ordergroove production endpoints, which can make testing a bit tricky.
When setting up your payment gateway in the App, we recommend adding your test or staging payment processor instance if you have the option. The reason behind this is all orders will be “real,” and you may be charged. Alternatively, you can refund your purchases within Shopify.
Note: Before your go-live date with Ordergroove, your test orders will display as “activity” within the production reports in Ordergroove.
Why Aren't Orders Placing?
Have you noticed subscription orders haven’t been generated in Shopify for the day? There are a few items you could validate to ensure they are correct.
- Check the Orders Report to validate orders should have been placed today. Navigate to Ordergroove > Data Exports > Order CSV and download the file for today’s date and all statuses.
- Navigate to Ordergroove > Settings > Order Placement and check:
- Credentials are added for a username and password protected endpoint (if applicable)
- The correct order placement URL is entered to receive orders
- Using a Cartridge or App? The redirect for order placement should populate within Ordergroove > Settings > Order Placement > URL. Just plug in your storefront URL in front of the redirect
- The order placement hour configured is not in the future
- Note, order placement hours are in Central Standard Time
- Cross Reference the products listed in your orders report in order to see if they are in stock within your Product Catalog
- Ordergroove will not place orders for products for which we receive an OOS flag within the Product Feed
- If you are not tracking stock within Shopify, make sure to update product stock status within your Product Configurations CSV
- The customer will be notified that their product is OOS
- Ordergroove will not place orders for products for which we receive an OOS flag within the Product Feed
- Navigate to System Tools > Order Placement and see if Response logs are listed for the current date.
If there are logs, open a few to see if they indicate any technical error that would potentially be impacting all customers. Technical issues on order placement may require further investigating and debugging on the client-side, as Ordergroove does not have visibility into downstream systems once the order has been placed. - Navigate to your Ordergroove Shopify App, and make sure your Selling Plan frequencies sync is up to date within the ‘Payment gateway’ section. New Selling Plan frequencies added to your store will need to be in sync with Ordergroove. If the sync is up to date, check that selling plans are being created for subscription products within Shopify.
Why Didn't My Subscription Get Created?
Have you noticed subscription checkouts, are not creating subscriptions within Ordergroove? If you have gone through basic troubleshooting steps, found here, and still facing issues. There are a few additional items to consider:
- Make sure all snippets are in place, including the {%- render 'ordergroove_checkout' -%} snippet, which can be found within the supplemental integration guide under Checkout Snippet.
- Install latest liquid partials in the App UI the ‘Theme Setup’ tab
- Check to ensure you have recently run a sync in the Shopify App for Subscription Frequencies & Selling Plans.
- Check if a Selling Plan was created for the checkout
- Ordergroove leverages the customer opt-in selections associated with the Shopify Payment Selling Plan contract to create a subscription.
- If a Selling Plan was successfully created, check below the product on the orders page for a frequency and the option to view the Ordergroove dashboard.
What is Selling Plan Names Fun Mode?
Ordergroove automatically sets the title and text for Shopify Selling plans. Selling Plan Names Fun Mode replaces Shopify Selling Plans text with emoji instead. You can toggle this mode by going to Settings, then Shopify Integration.
Note: The emoji won't display correctly in your Shopify Admin.