Common Import Challenges, Issues, & Errors

When preparing your Subscription Import File, data extraction from your e-commerce platform, payment gateway, or order management system is a pivotal procedure.

Ordergroove’s database will expect the file to be in a specific format, with required fields particular to your integration. During testing with your Solutions representative, you will finalize the fields necessary for your specific implementation.

Common Issues During Migration Testing

  • Hash Keys
    If you are passing Ordergroove customer payment data, it must be AES encrypted. Ensure you are using the correct hash key to encrypt the file. You will receive a production hash key and a staging hash key via your SFTP. During testing, you will encrypt the dummy payment data with the staging hash key; then, during cutover to production, you will generate real customer payment data encryption with your production hash key.

  • AES Encryption Format
    Ordergroove requires AES encryption to be in a specific format. The first step is deciding what method you will be using to AES encrypt (Python, Java, Ruby, etc.) the data. Ordergroove will provide a sample script you can leverage, but ultimately you will need to configure the encryption process to your code language. Ensure you are using base 64 when encrypting; otherwise, Ordergroove will be unable to ingest payment. Production files must use the production hash key; using the staging hash key will cause the import to fail.

  • Fields
    Ordergroove’s database will require specific naming conventions for each div in the file. Renaming or omitting required fields will cause the import to fail. Refer to the Subscription Import Structure XML schema and work with your Solutions representative for validation of fields.

  • Next Order Date
    When the production import is sent to Ordergroove, all next order dates for imported subscriptions must occur after the agreed-upon date of import onto Ordergroove’s database. Any subscriptions with the next order dates before ingestion will fail to create in Ordergroove’s database. We recommend that the next order date for all subscriptions be — at a minimum — a week after the anticipated launch to protect against any timeline delays.

  • Products
    Before the production import, Ordergroove will require that a production Product Feed be ingested into our database. All products with existing customers are subscribed to must exist on the database at the time of import.

  • Offer IDs
    Ensure that the offer ID that Ordergroove has provided you is included within the file for each subscriber. This ID is required for applying incentive logic.

  • If Migrating To a New Platform - Merchant Customer ID
    Make sure to use the merchant customer ID in the NEW platform you're migrating to (not the legacy platform). If your payment token_ID contains a merchant customer, make sure to update this to the new merchant customer ID.