Modifying Customer and Subscription Information

You can manage your subscription and customer details inside Ordergroove. In this guide, we'll go through where to find and edit customer profiles, subscription information, and order details. 



Your Ordergroove Admin maintains a robust Customer Service Tool under the Data tab on the Customers page. Below is a walkthrough on how to navigate and implement this tool to manage customer, subscription, and communications data:

We recommend that you first attempt to use the ‘Login on Behalf of’ tool to make changes to a customer account if your eCommerce platform allows for this option. Because our Customer Service tool permits advanced edits that may be outside the scope of your subscriber settings, trying the ‘Login on Behalf of’ tool first will ensure any changes remain within your established business settings. 

Note: If you host the shipping and/or payment information, you will not be able to commit changes to this data in Ordergroove. An edit form will still be visible for these sections, but an attempt to save changes will prompt an error message and leave the selected record unaltered.

Searching for an existing subscriber

You can search for existing subscribers right in Ordergroove.

  1. Open up Ordergroove.
  2. On the top toolbar, select Data > Customers.
  3. You can search for a subscriber by Name, Email, Phone Number, or Customer ID - referred to as Merchant ID by your eCommerce platform. For specific details on how search works, take a look down below the example image.
  4. Once locate the subscriber you're looking for, click their name to open a new page with their account information. 


Search criteria

You can perform a search with the customer’s first or last name, but a partial entry won’t display any results. For example, if the subscriber account lists “Stuart” as the first name, searching for “Stu” will not return a result for that subscriber. The same rule applies to email addresses. Any phone number format (i.e. xxxxxxxxx, xxx-xxx-xxxx or (xxx)xxx-xxx) will return a result, as long as it represents the full number listed in the account. 

If the subscriber does not appear in the search results using one of the methods listed, please attempt another search with a different identifier, as the subscriber may have submitted the form with a typo or used a different email or phone number from the one you have in your records. 

Customer Details

After you've searched for a customer you want to view or edit, click on their name to open up the Customer Details page. From there you can view or edit their information, shipping details, payment information, and more.

Viewing Subscriber Details

After clicking into the subscriber’s account, you will have access to all the information pertinent to their account, including customer ID, payment records, addresses, order history, subscriptions and account history. 

The first section on the Subscriber Details page lists the subscriber’s name and activity status, number of months enrolled in the program, the total dollar amount spent since joining as a subscriber, total activity(number of orders), and time since their last order. 


Viewing Customer(Subscriber) Information

The next section, Customer Information, includes the subscriber’s Customer ID (the Merchant ID created by your eComm platform, passed to Ordergroove during subscription creation), email address, number of shipping records on file, and the number of payment records. 


Editing Subscriber Information

  • Click the Manage link opposite the Customer(Subscriber) Information section heading: 


  • A sidebar will open, permitting you to edit the subscriber’s Personal, Shipping or Payment information.


  • Click Edit in the information category you wish to alter, make the desired changes, and press Save.


Editing Shipping Information

If you host your customer’s shipping information, all edits should be completed on your end. If Ordergroove hosts your customer's shipping information, follow the steps below to edit existing address records: 

  • Editing an Existing Address Record
    • Click Manage in the Customer Information section; in the panel that appears, scroll down to the Shipping section, and select Edit next to the shipping information category that requires an update. 


    • The section under the selected shipping address will expand, allowing you to edit the record’s information. After making the desired changes, click Save. If the selected address changes are to be applied across all the customer’s subscriptions, tick the Use For All checkbox and then click Save, as indicated below:



  • Creating a New Shipping Address (If Ordergroove hosts Shipping):
    • Click Manage in the Customer Information section; in the panel that appears, scroll down to the Shipping section, and select the New+ link opposite the Shipping header. 


    • The section will expand to allow you to add new shipping information; fill in the fields that appear and click Save.  If the new address is to be used for all the customer’s subscriptions, select the Use For All checkbox and then click Save, as indicated below:

  • Deleting an Existing Shipping Record:
    Follow the steps to edit a shipping record, and select Delete Address at the bottom of the selected address record. A modal will appear asking you to confirm. Once confirmed, the record will no longer appear in the account.

Editing Payment

Note: If you (the client) host your shipping and/or payment information, you will not be able to commit changes to this data in Ordergroove.  An edit form will still be visible for these sections, but an attempt to save changes will prompt an error message and leave the selected record unaltered. 

If Ordergroove hosts your payment information, follow the steps below to edit an existing payment or create a new payment method: 

  • Editing an Existing Payment Record:
    You can only update the expiration month, expiration year, and personal information (address, phone, etc.) for existing records. Below are the steps to make those edits. 

    • Select Manage in the Customer Information section; in the panel that appears, scroll down to the Payment section and select Edit next to the payment record you wish to update


    • The Payment section will expand to allow you to edit the record’s payment information. After making the desired changes, click Save. If the selected payment method is to be used for all the customer’s subscriptions, tick the Use For All checkbox and then click Save, as indicated below: 


  • Creating a New Payment Record:
    • Select Manage in the Customer Information section; in the panel that appears, scroll down to the Payment section and select New+ opposite the Payment section header:


    • The section will expand to allow you to add the new credit card’s information, including the credit card number itself.  Fill in the fields that appear and click Save.  If the new card is to be used as payment for all the customer’s subscriptions, tick the Use For All checkbox and then click Save.

      When creating a new credit card record, you do not need to add payment token information--it will appear after the required fields are filled out and saved.  Address information for new cards is required. 
      Do not check the Contains Billing Address box. If this box is checked then the payment record will be missing the billing address, which will cause issues when trying to use the card in the future. 

  • Deleting an Existing Payment Record:
    Follow the steps to edit a payment record and select Delete Payment at the bottom of the selected payment record. A modal will appear asking you to confirm. Once confirmed, the payment record will no longer appear in the account. 

Note: This procedure will prevent the payment record from displaying in a customer account, but will not completely remove it from the system. If a subscriber wishes to be “forgotten” per GDPR or CCPA, a different procedure must be followed. Please click here to learn how to remove a subscriber from Ordergroove’s system according to the standards set by GDPR and CCPA.

Viewing and editing order details

After you search for a customer and open their profile, you can view and edit their order information. View order history, edit upcoming shipments, process orders immediately, and more.

Finding an Order

The Orders section follows the Customer Information section in the customer record.  The three most recent orders will appear in this menu level, with each order’s placement date, status, items, ID, and total. 


  • Viewing a Rejected Order:
    In this view, hovering over the word ‘Rejected’ under an order’s date will display a modal with more information about the rejection status. 


  • Viewing Orders: 
    • To view all past and future orders, click on View All


    • A new panel will display the customer’s orders:mceclip27.png

    •  Orders can be sorted by their current status (all, unsent, rejected, canceled, and successful) by using the dropdown menu at the top right. 


    • Clicking on an individual order will reveal order details, including shipping address, payment method, and total dollar value, along with its items and their quantities. 

Changing the Date of an Order

To change the date of an unsent order, locate the order you want to edit using the steps outlined in the Finding an Order dropdown just above this section.  From the order detail section, click Change Date to open the calendar modal, then select the new order date.  Click Save to capture your changes. 


Processing the Order Immediately (Send Now)

Locate the order you want to edit using the steps outlined in the Finding an Order dropdown at the start of this section.  From the order detail section, click the Send Now link, located above the order details, and next to Change Date.  This will cause the visible order status to change to ‘Processing Order’, but to place this change in effect, you must click Save 

  • Undo:
    If you selected Send Now by mistake, you can undo the change by clicking the Undo link, which will appear in place of the order date.  Then click Save.


Skipping/Cancelling an Order

If a subscriber wants to keep a subscription active but does not want to receive an upcoming order, you can skip or cancel it with a few clicks. Following the steps outlined in Finding an Orderlocate and click on the order in question and select Skip Order (next to Send Now).  A modal will pop up asking you to confirm; once confirmed, the order will be skipped/canceled.  A new future order(or orders, depending on the subscriptions included in the original order) will automatically be generated based on the set frequencies of each subscription in the order. 


Removing a Subscription Item from the Order

  • Orders with One Item:
    If an order only contains one item, removing it will cancel the order and create a future order for that item, based on its set frequency. 

  • Orders with Multiple Items:
    If an order contains multiple items, removing one item will remove that subscription from the order and transfer it to the future order date.  The other items in the order will process normally.
    To remove an item from an order, first, locate its order by following the How to Find an Order article.  From the order details section, click the Remove Item link next to the subscription item the subscriber wants to exclude from the order.  A modal will appear asking for confirmation; once confirmed, that item will be removed from the order.
    Removing an item will not cancel its subscription. 


Changing the Quantity of the Subscription Item in the Order

Following the steps outlined in Finding an Order, locate and click on the order with the item quantities you want to change, then scroll to the ordered item you want to edit.  In the box marked Send, change the number to the quantity that the subscriber wishes to receive of that item. 

Changing the item quantity in an order will only change it for that order.  To effect a permanent change, the item quantity must be altered at the subscription level.  


Editing and updating subscription information

You can modify existing subscriptions or create new ones from within the customer profile. Change payment information, create or delete subscriptions, update the shipping address, and more.

Finding a Subscription

  • The Subscriptions section is located beneath the Orders section. A maximum of three subscriptions will appear on the primary menu level, with each subscription’s products, creation date, frequency, and price.


  • To see all subscriptions, click View All:  


  • A new panel will display all of a customer’s subscriptions: 


  • Scroll through and locate the subscription that needs to be edited.  

Any changes made at the subscription level will change the next order for that subscription.

Changing the Subscription Shipping Address

Click on the subscription’s Shipping Address.  A modal will appear, presenting an option to select from an existing address or to create a new one.  If the address you want to change to appears on this list, select it and press Save 

If you need to create a new shipping address, click the Add a new address link at the bottom of the modal and fill in the new shipping record information according to the steps outlined in Editing Shipping Information.  Once the new address is created, select it from the dropdown list and click Save to finalize your edits. 



Changing Subscription Payment Information

Click on the subscription’s Payment Info header. A modal will appear to select from an existing payment method or create a new one. If the payment method you want to use already appears on this list, select it and click Save

If a new payment method is needed, click Add new payment at the bottom of the modal and fill in the new payment record information according to the steps outlined in Editing Payment. Once the payment method is created, select it from the dropdown list and click Save to finalize your edits. 



Changing the Quantity of a Subscription

Locate the subscription you want to edit using the steps in Finding a Subscription.  In the box marked Qty, positioned beneath the order item name and detail section, change the item quantity to the desired amount, then click Save


Changing the Frequency of the Subscription

Locate the subscription you want to edit using the steps in Finding a Subscription.  In the box marked Every (next to the Qty box), enter the desired new frequency, then click Save. 

When making adjustments to frequencies in Ordergroove, you are not limited to those selected by your business team and included in the program; you can set whatever custom range you or your customer prefer.  


Canceling a Subscription

Locate the subscription you want to edit using the steps in Finding a Subscriptionthen click Cancel subscription, which is next to the Save button.  Select the most relevant cancel reason from the cancellation modal that pops up.  If your customer’s specific reason for cancellation does not appear on the list, you can select Other to enter a custom cancellation reason.  Click Cancel subscription to finalize the update.



Creating a New Subscription

Click New+ in the top right of the Subscriptions section: 


A new panel will appear to the right.  In the Product section of this panel, search for the desired subscription product by its Product ID or SKU.  Once the product is located, select ‘Admin Dashboard’ from the Offer Type dropdown menu.  Ensure the address and payment Information are correct, then click Save.


Recent Activity

The Recent Activity section, found under the Programs section of the Customer Service Tool, allows you to view recent changes to the account and the authors of those changes. To see all recent activity, click View All
