My Organization (Alpha)

With My Organization, you can easily manage multiple Ordergroove stores across different brands, regions, and environments. No need to log out and log back in to switch between stores or manage multiple usernames and passwords.

Note: This feature is currently in Alpha and may not be available for your store.

Accessing My Organization

Accepting an invite

You will receive an invite to My Organization via email. Click the link from the email and follow these instructions:

  • If you are accepting and use SSO via MSFT/Entra, Ping, or Okta:
    • To log in, click the SSO tile and follow the authentication steps to access Ordergroove. For Entra, select the 'Sign in to an Organization' option, and for Okta, make sure to enter your Okta domain. If you encounter any issues, try using an incognito window for a fresh connection.


  • If you are an existing user with multiple user credentials:
    • Log in using any existing credentials to accept the My Organization invite. The credentials you select will be the ones you'll use moving forward to access your My Organization merchants.
  • If you are a new user, not using SSO:
    • Select ‘create user’ and follow the flow to sign up.


Once My Organization is enabled for your store, admins will see a new option in the My Account dropdown.




Each store within the Organization can be seen at the top of the page. Right now the mapping of individual stores to your Organization will be taken care of by the Ordergroove team. 

my organization - clean top.png


Invite Users

Store admins can invite users to join the Organization. Invited users will receive an email asking them to join the Organization and will be asked to login using the Organization’s authentication type (e.g. password, SSO, etc.).

Admins can also decide whether the user should have access to all stores in the Organization or just specific stores.



Edit or Remove Users

Once users have joined the Organization, admins can remove their access or change which stores they have access to by clicking the ellipsis on the right side of the table.
