The Enrollment drill down in your Analytics Overview dives into an overview of your subscribers and subscriptions. You can view total subscribers, subscriptions, enrollment rate, and more.
1 - New Subscribers
Displays the number of new subscription customers over the timeframe. This figure does not include recurring customers with past subscriptions.
2 - Customer Lifetime Value
The expected value of a new customer over their lifetime as a subscriber.
3 - Total Active Subscribers
The total number of customers with at least one active subscription. This is counted at the end of the selected time period.
4 - Active subscribers by status
This chart shows a breakdown of active subscribers based on their subscriber status. They are counted at the start of the selected time period.
5 - Subscriber counts
A weekly breakdown of your subscribers, split up by:
- Active subscribers at start
- New subscribers
- Cancelled subscribers
Active subscribers at end
- Calculated by: Active subscribers at start + New Subscribers - Cancelled Subscribers
6 - Total active subscriptions
This chart depicts the number of customers with at least one active subscription, calculated at the end of the selected time period.
7 - Active subscriptions by status
Shows a breakdown of active subscriptions based on their status at the start of the selected time period.
8 - Subscription counts
This table displays a weekly breakdown of active subscribers:
- Active subscriptions at start
- Created subscriptions
- Cancelled subscriptions
Active subscriptions at end
- Calculated by: Active subscriptions at start + Created subscriptions - Cancelled subscriptions
9 - % Subscription Enrollment Rate - Products Sub Eligible
The percentage of eCommerce transactions/checkouts that contain new subscriptions, vs checkouts with only one-time products.
10 - % Subscription Enrollment Rate - Products Sub Eligible
A data breakdown used to calculate the chart in #9 above.
11 - Order Frequency
A visualization of all new subscriptions over a timeframe, broken down by the subscription frequency the subscriber chose during checkout. We display the number and percentage of total each frequency makes up the total number of subscriptions.