Prepaid Subscription Analytics (Beta)

The Prepaid Subscriptions tab your Analytics Dashboard dives into an overview of prepaid subscription revenue over a set time frame. You can view total prepaid subscribers, subscriptions, revenue, and a breakdown of prepaid vs non-prepaid income.


Filter and sort your data

Every chart, table, and view listed in this article can be filtered and modified to better suit your preferences. Use the controls at the top to adjust:

  • Adjust the date range
  • Group by days, weeks, months, or years
  • What product(s) to use for metrics

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Prepaid Active Subscriptions

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1 - Active Subscriptions Key Metrics

The key metrics widget is an overview of your prepaid subscriptions. There are two metrics displayed:

  1. Total number of active prepaid subscriptions
  2. Total number of all active subscriptions

The chart displays the percent that prepaid and pay as you go are out of your total number of subscriptions.

2 - Active Prepaid Subscriptions Chart

This chart shows a breakdown of active prepaid subscribers based on their subscriber status at the start of the selected time period.

3 - Shipments Per New Subscription Cycle Chart

A breakdown of new customers, totaled by the number of shipments they prepaid for. Here's an example:

CleanShot 2024-08-22 at 11.58.25.png

In the week of June 3rd, 2024, 33 new customers subscribed to prepaid subscriptions. Of them:

  • 5 signed up for a 3-month prepaid program (dark blue)
  • 18 signed up for a 6-month prepaid program (light blue)
  • 10 signed up for a 12-month prepaid program (green)

You can view the totals by highlighting over the segments in your analytics dashboard.

 4 - Shipments Per New Subscription Cycle Table

The data that creates the chart above, but now in table form. It's a breakdown of total new subscribers, based on the length of time they prepaid for.

5 - End of Cycle Behavior 

A breakdown of what your subscribers do after their prepaid subscription ends. It's split up by:

  • Renew: The subscriber signs up for another prepaid subscription.
  • Cancelled (Downgrade): The subscriber switches to a pay-as-you-go subscription.
  • Cancelled (Full): The subscriber cancels their subscription completely.

6 - Active Subscriptions

This table displays counts of prepaid subscribers, split up by: total existing at the start of period, newly created, renewed for an additional prepaid cycle, reactivated a prepaid subscription, upgraded to a prepaid subscription, downgraded from prepaid to pay as you go or cancelled at the end of the cycle or in the middle of the cycle.

Prepaid Orders

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1 - Prepaid Orders Key metrics

The orders key metrics widget displays two high-level metrics:

  1. Total number of prepaid orders sent for placement
  2. Total number of all subscription orders sent for placement

Note that one prepaid subscription might have multiple orders sent in a time frame, for example you set a three month period and prepaid subscriptions ship monthly.

2 - Historic Orders by Placement Date (Chart)

This chart shows a breakdown of placed prepaid orders based on whether or not they were initial prepaid orders from the start of a cycle or from $0 fulfillment orders. Orders in this view are associated with their date of placement, not with the initial payment date.

3 - Historic Orders by Placement Date (Table)

A breakdown of the data used for the chart above. This table displays a breakdown of placed orders tied to their date of placement. Orders can come from new signups, the initial order of a renewal cycle or from an upgrade from pay as you go. Orders can also be $0 fulfillment orders for which payment was made previously.

4 - Dynamic Orders by Placement Date (Chart)

This chart breaks down the total number of prepaid orders which were already paid within the selected time period.

The distribution between placed and unplaced orders is dynamic and as subsequent prepaid fulfillment orders are placed, orders will transition from a Not Yet Placed to Placed status.

5 - Dynamic Orders by Placement Date (Table)

This table is a breakdown of the data used for the chart above. It displays a breakdown of placed and unplaced orders as tied to the date of payment (the first order of the cycle).

Orders can come from new subscriptions, the initial order from a renewal cycle or from an upgrade and will have associated orders that are not yet placed.

Prepaid Revenue

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1 - Prepaid Revenue Key metrics

The prepaid revenue key metrics widget displays two high-level metrics:

  1. Total revenue generated from prepaid subscriptions
  2. Total overall revenue from all subscriptions

Note: The total value of prepaid subscription sales after discounts, excluding taxes and shipping as charged on the prepaid subscription signup.

2 - Dynamic Revenue by Payment Date (Chart)

This chart shows a breakdown of charged prepaid revenue vs pending revenue based on the date on which the order was paid (the first prepaid order). This helps to understand the current status of the revenue, and what percentage of product paid for has already been sent out.

3 - Dynamic Revenue by Payment Date (Table)

A breakdown of the data used for the chart above. This table breaks down the revenue from prepaid shipments already sent out, vs those that haven't been sent yet but are paid for.

4 - Dynamic Revenue by Payment Date

This table displays a breakdown of revenue based on the date in which the order actually placed. This revenue data will not change over time as it is statically associated with the date to attribute revenue to that exact selected date. The revenue is from placed orders broken down by new, renewals, upgrades or fulfillment as well as revenue on the day that has not yet placed.

Prepaid Average Order Retention

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1 - Average Order Retention Key metrics

The key metric displays the average number of shipments a prepaid customer receives in the set time frame. We compare the average number of prepaid shipments received per customer vs the average number pay as you go subscriptions.

2 - Subscription Order Retention (Chart)

A chart displaying the average number of prepaid orders (initial and recurring) placed within the given time period for a subscription. This number is compared to the number of orders (initial and recurring) placed for a pay as you go subscription.

3 - Subscription Order Retention (Table)

A table breakdown of the data used in the chart above. The table below breaks down the percentage of subscriptions that have made it to various number of orders. Here you can see the retention of the pay as you go subscription group relative to the prepaid group and the difference between the two groups.

4 - Average Revenue Per Subscription (Chart)

The average revenue received per prepaid subscription across the given time period selected. This is shown relative to the group of pay as you go subscriptions and is inclusive of both initial and recurring orders.

5 - Average Revenue Per Subscription (Table)

A breakdown of the data used in the chart above. The table breaks down the revenue received per subscription type assuming as the subscription receives the increasing number of orders. The distinction between the prepaid and pay as you go subscriptions can highlight the difference between the value of a subscription in each of the respective groups.