Using our Gorgias Integration

Information sent to Gorgias

Our integration brings a rich set of subscription information to the ticket and customer views of Gorgias. When entering either view, we'll use widgets to show several categories of information and buttons to modify ordergroove information directly within Gorgias.

Ordergroove Widgets:

1. Active Subscriptions

2. Upcoming Orders

3. Inactive Subscriptions

4. Past Orders


Active Subscriptions Widget

Within our Active Subscriptions Widget, we provide a list of Active subscriptions and a way to:

1. Change the Frequency

2. Change the Quantity

3. Cancel a Subscription

Which can modify the subscription in question without ever leaving Gorgias.

We also include some additional data, shown below.

CleanShot 2023-11-22 at 14.11.37.png

Upcoming Orders Widget

Within our Upcoming Orders Widget, we provide a list of upcoming orders and a way to:

1. Change the orders date

2. Send the order now

3. Cancel the order

Which can modify the order in question without ever leaving Gorgias.

We also include some additional data, shown below.

CleanShot 2023-11-22 at 14.11.49.png


Inactive Subscriptions

Within our Inactive SubscriptionsWidget, we provide a list of canceled subscriptions and a button to reactivate the subscription, which can reactivate the subscription in question without ever leaving Gorgias.

We also include some additional data, shown below.

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Past Orders

 Within the past Orders widget, we highlight how many successful orders have been placed by the customer (as a way to evaluate VIP status)

CleanShot 2023-11-22 at 14.12.00.png

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