If you want to cancel all subscriptions tied to a particular product, you can do that in your Ordergroove Admin. This article goes through the steps to discontinue products and the options available as you go through the process.
Step 1 - Locate Your Product And Open Up The Details Page
- Login to Ordergroove, and navigate to Data > Products.
- Search for the product you want to discontinue. Products must be discontinued one at a time.
- Click on the Product name to open up more details.
- Click the Discontinue button.
Note: Before hitting Discontinue, we recommend exporting your Subscriber list at the top of the page for a record of all active subscribers impacted by the upcoming change.
Step 2 - Discontinue With or Without a Replacement Product
When you click Discontinue, you're presented with an option to continue with or without a replacement product.
- Discontinue with a replacement: Discontinues this product, but any subscriptions or one time purchases will be swapped with a replacement product you choose.
- Discontinue without a replacement: Discontinues the product, and cancels all subscriptions tied to that product.
Choose a replacement product (Optional)
If you want to swap any subscriptions or one time purchases with a replacement product, you'll be asked to search for the replacement product on the next screen. You can search by Product Name, SKU, or External Product ID (in Shopify this is known as the Variant ID). Note the replacement product must be In Stock to appear in your search.
After you select a replacement product, you have the option to swap all of your subscriptions (both active and inactive) or only move over the active ones. All subscriptions is usually used for out of stock or discontinued products, you can move all subscribers over to an active product.
Step 3 - Decide if You Want to Notify Your Customers
If you send transactional emails through Ordergroove, we can automatically send out an email notification to the affected customers. If you are unsure whether you send transactional emails through Ordergroove, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or Solutions contact.
When you discontinue a product with no replacement, the Subscription Canceled - Item Discontinued template will be used to notify your customers. When you discontinue a product with a replacement, the Discontinued Product Swapped With Replacement template will be used.
For more information about our current Email Service Provider (ESP) support, take a look at the Notifications section of the Discontinuing FAQ.
Step 4 - Confirm Changes and Save
Review your changes, and confirm the number of subscriptions being canceled. We will automatically turn of Subscription Eligible for the product if it is enabled. If you're swapping products, Ordergroove will display the replacement product and warn you if the price is different.
If everything looks good, and the number of subscriptions being swapped/canceled matches what you expected, click Save to finalize the update. The changes will be made immediately.
Once the discontinue process is complete, you will receive a summary email detailing the changes that were made.
If you currently send eligibility attributes through your product feed, be sure to turn off Subscription Eligible for the product. Any attributes that are inconsistent with your product feed will be overwritten in favor of the settings listed in the product feed.
Additional Information
For additional information and commonly asked questions, take a look at Discontinuing Products FAQ.